Saturday, November 1, 2008
I want to send a truly heartfelt R.I.P to a young man who left us to soon.... Shakir thank you for being the lone shining young executive@ Def Jam...Thanks for having the vision to bring us that music homie.... I know you had more to give... Sleep in peace bruh.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
It's been a long time.... I shouldn't have left you....
Its been a while since I was last on here, so I apologize for not being a better friend. For those who are my new friends, my old ones can pretty much tell you I am a shitty one lol... I don't call, I don't check messages, and I almost never return e-mails.... But as always, I promise I will be a better one, and I have a lot of pix to post up over the last 2 weeks to update you to what I've been up to. I'm going to Destin, Florida on Friday( good luck looking that up on the map )because I'm the best man at my brother's wedding. In the meantime, I leave you guys, my friends, whom I love...
Monday, September 29, 2008
I just want to thank....
The American people... for finally having the balls to use the system that was created for you and us to have a voice, and telling your local Congressmen and Women that you're not putting up the FUCKERY that George "The only president to have the distinction of single-handedly bringing down captialism" Bush presented as a plan to get the country he's already put in financial ruin out of it. Moments like this make me proud to be an American.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
It's Been a long time....

Sorry I left you. It's been a few days since I last posted anything but it's been a crazy week. On the path to greatness, the journey can oft seem like a long and arduous one, but when on the cusp, the pace becomes as swift as the light is bright (StayBent Krunk-a-Delic 2008*).
So as you can see from my last posting, the Big Homie Salaam came back to town from L.A. It's always good when he shows up because although I've got my mojo back( more on that later),his presence itself kind of always forces me to stay on top of my own sh**T. We spent the majority of the week just going over stuff, such as projects he currently has on deck, things we'll collaborate on, and listening to a couple of mixes from Krunk-a-Delic, new beats, new songs, talking about life sh**t. We also had Aynzli a new artist out of the U.K. come through to record a couple of records. Aynzli worked with us about a year ago and we connected pretty well(pause), so it was only natural that he come back and do a few more. Ummm what else? Oh! Nothing anyone would care about but we put a new desk in the GroupHome, and it's kinda's a pic. I dunno.... I think ni**az is tryin to "upgrade" me.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Let me out Tha Zoo!!!!

Studio Politix,
The Instrument Zoo,
The Zoo
I know I said the purpose of this blog was to push and promote my group Krunk-a-Delic to whomever would listen out there in this big big world, and to whoever cares....It's Coming!!!! We've all got what I call "Musical Day Jobs" lol. I'm gonna put up pics of the rest of group too so you don't think that I think that it's just about me. I'll actually put up like 30 second snippets of some of the records we've done thusfar too for those who wouldn't mind taking a listen to three dirty men talking about "love...." {pause}.
Friday, September 12, 2008
I know this is old but...Here's that I-20 "Down South"
Produced by yours truly...don't get it twisted.
On Another Note....
That boy Yeezie is crazy... He gives you so many reasons to wanna not like him... but then he goes and does something like this. I Love That Guy(pause).
Hey guys, not to start off this beautiful day on a somber note, but I didn't post yesterday for a reason. Out of respect to those who passed on on Sept 11, 2001 I treated it as a day of mourning. That's a day you're not SUPPOSED to work. My heart goes out to the families of those who passed on that fateful day.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Weaponz of Mass Production!!!

Yo! What it smell like? Shout out to my first follower on here lady lightning bug, thank you for spending not just one day, but everyday in my shoes from now on...hope you enjoy the journey :-). Anyone and everyone whom deem me worthy enough to read( and hopefully hear in the near future)my daily journal on my path with greatness are more than greatly appreciated. Thank you. With all of that aside, tha homie Ike came and left the Florida area, thank the good lord that he didn't pass close enough to cause any severe damage, just a lil flooding, maybe the loss of a couple of good trees. I send a prayer although I'm not much the religious type to those in the Caribbean whom were severely affected by the hurricane. Turks & Caicos, DR, and especially to my people in Haiti hold ya head. So anyways, like I said yesterday, in addition to having my own set-up in the crib, I also work with "Uber Producer"(lol) Salaam Remi in Miami. I spend a majority of my time at his studios, and he owns the distinction of naming my group Krunk-a-delic. For those of you who are not familiar with Salaam, he has a looooooooooonnnnnnngggggg list of credits in the game and he's probably at on point or another done one of your favorite records and worked with your favorite artists, such as The Fugees, Amy Winehouse, Nas, Sting, blah blah blah... A big shout goes out to 'Laam and all Boomtunes family, David Sean, Spragga Benz, Jah SnowCone, Champagne Flutes, AlphaBeat( check out his blog, we F_N_S homie! lol), Gee, Lea, my brothers in music Mark and C.O. if I missed anyone right now, this ain't the Grammy's y'all, I got plenty of time on this here thing...Anyways....Here's where I whip 'em up! Welcome to the Zoo!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Relief pitching...Pause...

So here's the update. It's about 3:30, and Gee finally made it! I'm ecstatic(pause) because I've been upstairs in what I've affectionately dubbed "The Group Home aka The Naughty Room" and made about 2 new joints since I got here, and now we can speed up the process to turning them into that ish....Back to the Zoo Cave!!!
So you don't think I was frontin'...

Here I am @ Salaam Remi's studio the infamous "Instrument Zoo." I got in about an hr ago, and my trusty sidekick Gee must've been on here because he coincidentally sent me a text after my earlier posting telling me his car wouldn't start....hmmmmmm.....
Update: 1:33...
Gee just text me and said he's on his way.....YAAAAAY!!! This will make everything move muy rapido....
Ike is here!!!! Well.... sort of...
Good morning folk. For those of you who don't know, I live in Miami and we( well not me ) are currently glued to the television set about 20 of the 24 hours in the day because of the Monster hurricane Ike( ironic named after a certain ass-kicking villain/icon) currently tearing through the Carribean. It looks like it'll be a near miss for us down here in South Fla, but nevertheless, we'll be experiencing heavy tropical storm winds and rain. I guess I should feel blessed that the storm isn't going to have a worse effect on our area, but I can't help but comment on the following... While muttering to myself "be careful what you ask for," the riling up that the media give these native South Floridians down here is nothing short of comical concerning these forces of nature. Don't get me wrong, no one is more respectful of Mother Nature than me, and maybe it's the cynical new yawker in me, but this has to be worse than the worse case of blueballs that any girl has ever given me. The news stations down here go on an absolute tear, instilling fear and terror amongst the people down here, causing an absolute frenzy in an attempt to prepare for the "Big One"( in my best Fred Sanford voice "Elizabeth!"). What is the end result? Publix, Winn Dixie, Bj's, Cosco, Sam's, Home Depot, and Loews get PAID!!! I mean, you can't even go in the store and get yourself basic necessities because the rest of the free world done hoarded up all the water, and the batteries, and the Hog Moss.... I mean... I like water.... Now with all of this being said, I wasn't down here in 1992 for Hurricane Andrew, which decimated the area that I currently live in. I was here however for the first wave of Katrina which came right through my neighborhood and went back into the Gulf of Mexico before infamously and tragically ravaging New Orleans. Humbling couldn't begin to describe the experience, and I hope that it's something that we in any of our lifetimes never have to experience again. But I do believe in EARLY preparation and not last minute. If people have been through this before, why do they act like everytime is the first time? Be ready dammit! How many flashlights do you REALLY need? Don't you already have like 20 cases of water in your garage? Do you really need 10 more? F' it... I dunno. I think I'm finished ranting. And( I know you're not supposed to start a sentence with "and" but I'm exercising my "poetic license") that being said, even though they say we should stay in and not go to work today, I'm like "Bump that" and going in my people.... I hope my engineer Gee is reading this, cuz we goin' in today homie(pause)! I wish they'd bring back Elita Loresca ... this new girl's voice is wack( no offense shorty). Oh, "KRUNKS RULE!"
Monday, September 8, 2008
Allow me to introduce myself... My name is????
Since I know I have no friends on hereas of yet, I'm going to blog to myself in the process of breaking my blog cherry.
Here goes:
Welcome all( me included) to the StayBent Krunk-a-Delic presents....Artuvnoize blog! My purpose on here is to document the progress of my band guessed it... Krunk-a-Delic, as well as poppin mad shit and cracking mad jokes, and possibly, maybe possibly, learning something from one another... EVERYone is welcome to get down and speak their minds on here. Oh, and I'm making a plea out to all haters.... Please read my site! I know I haven't made it 'til I have a hater sh**t on me( pause)...
Here goes:
Welcome all( me included) to the StayBent Krunk-a-Delic presents....Artuvnoize blog! My purpose on here is to document the progress of my band guessed it... Krunk-a-Delic, as well as poppin mad shit and cracking mad jokes, and possibly, maybe possibly, learning something from one another... EVERYone is welcome to get down and speak their minds on here. Oh, and I'm making a plea out to all haters.... Please read my site! I know I haven't made it 'til I have a hater sh**t on me( pause)...
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