Saturday, September 13, 2008


I know I said the purpose of this blog was to push and promote my group Krunk-a-Delic to whomever would listen out there in this big big world, and to whoever cares....It's Coming!!!! We've all got what I call "Musical Day Jobs" lol. I'm gonna put up pics of the rest of group too so you don't think that I think that it's just about me. I'll actually put up like 30 second snippets of some of the records we've done thusfar too for those who wouldn't mind taking a listen to three dirty men talking about "love...." {pause}.


Jayne Neverow said...

I don't mind listening! Actually, listening to 3 loving men talk about dirty stuff would be kinda cool, too. Just thought I'd throw that out there...

staybent krunk-a-delic said...

CTFU!!! Three dirty old men...